Thursday 28 May 2015

Contemporary Case Study Notes- Social Media

London Riots (2011)
During the London riots in 2011, the mass media mainly targeted youths rather than focusing on the issues that caused them. Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter, provided those who wanted to oppose to the negative representation of youths with a voice. The result of these media platforms were successful in that they could show not all youths fit into a collective identity. Although they are not as successful as the news because the audience was not large enough.

Examples of social media campaigns during the London Riots:

  • #NotInMyName
  • Riot Clean Up Project

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Contemporary Case Study Notes- News

London Riots (August 2011)
The London Riots began after the death of Mark Duggan, a young black man who was wrongly shot to death by a policeman. I number of other thing such as tuition fees were also thought to be causes of the riots.

During these riots, the media created a collective identity of youths and used negative stereotyping to blame them for the violence that was happening. They did this through newspapers/articles and news reports on television. Examples:

The main ways the media negatively portrayed them during this were by targeting their clothing, saying they all wear hoods and masks, by saying they're all violent to make the rioting look like criminal opportunism and by using derogatory terms such as chav.

Theories this case study relates to:

David Gauntlett- "Identities are not given but are constructed and negotiated."
Shown by how the media created a collective identity in the news.

Stanley Cohen- Folk Devils, Moral Panic and Societal Deviance
All seen during the Riots.

Gerbner- Cultivation theory
The people watching or reading the news have an over exaggerated opinion on the crime that is happening.

Acland- Ideology of Protection- media representation of delinquent youths reinforce hegemony.
The news created an image of delinquent youths and compared it to normal behavior, therefore making the rioters behavior seem odd and unacceptable.

Historical Case Study Notes

Quadrophenia (1979) Dir. Frank Roddam
This film follows the character Jimmy, a young mod who does not feel he fits in with society and is unhappy with his current life and job. During the film we see what it was like to be a young mod during the 1960's. Multiple representations of youths are shown as well as the events that occurred in this time period such as the mods vs rocker riots in Brighton.

Youth Sub-Culture in the movie:
The youths are portrayed as a collective identity in this film, by looking at the mise en scene, we can see how youths are made to seem by the media. It is also easy to see their ideologies and their lifestyle. Examples of youth stereotypes in this film:

  • Use of Drugs
  • Clothing
  • Hairstyle
  • Focus on sexual activity
  • Music
Theories this case study relates to:

David Gauntlett- "Identities are not given but are constructed and negotiated."
Shown by how the film creates a collective identity in the film.

Dick Hebdige- "Youth sub-cultures are a way for youth people to express their opposition to society, and to challenge hegemony. This is primarily expressed through style."
Seen throughout by the Mod behavior that is an opposition to the adults, such as when Jimmy is looked down to by his middle-class colleagues in a bathroom scene, of which he is throwing up from drinking the previous night.

Stanley Cohen- Folk Devils, Moral Panic and Societal Deviance
All seen during the Brighton Riots during the film.

Gerbner- Cultivation theory
This is seen when Jimmy's mother sees a newspaper and over exaggerates because of what she reads, resulting in her kicking him out of the house.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Section B Structure

Discuss question - answer whether you agree with statement or your opinion on a matter.
Describe collective identity.

P1 - Historical - Quadrophenia
Give description of film.
Use PEE to link text to question.
Use Stanley Cohen- Folk Devil's and Moral Panic during this.
Use Dick Hebdige when describing the Mods.

P2 - Contemporary - London Riots
Give description of film.
Use PEE to link to the question.
  • Article in The Guardian (9th of August)- "gangs of hooded and masked youths laid waste to streets right across the city."
  • Unpublished Report due to positive views of young people.
Use Aclands Ideology of Protection.

P3 - Compare P1 & P2
Both feel they didn't have a voice in society so they joint collective identities.
Both demonised by the media.
Use David Gauntlett 'Identities are not 'given' but are constructed and negotiated.'.
Use Cultivation theory to show the results of the media.

P4 - Difference between then and now - Social Media
Now people are able to use social media to have a voice.
Hug a hoodie, Riot Clean-ups and Not in my name.
This is not very effective because their audience is limited.

P5 - Plan B- Ill Manors
Give description of song and what it's purpose is.
Use PEE to link what Ben Drew is trying to say about the question.
Use lyrics as example.

P6 - Positive representation of youths - Attack The Block
Show how the media can in fact be used to oppose to the negative stereotypes.
Use ending of the film- Moses becomes the hero.
Use Cultivation Theory to explain the old woman's opinion of the youths.

Give quick overview of question.
Write final opinion.