Wednesday 27 May 2015

Historical Case Study Notes

Quadrophenia (1979) Dir. Frank Roddam
This film follows the character Jimmy, a young mod who does not feel he fits in with society and is unhappy with his current life and job. During the film we see what it was like to be a young mod during the 1960's. Multiple representations of youths are shown as well as the events that occurred in this time period such as the mods vs rocker riots in Brighton.

Youth Sub-Culture in the movie:
The youths are portrayed as a collective identity in this film, by looking at the mise en scene, we can see how youths are made to seem by the media. It is also easy to see their ideologies and their lifestyle. Examples of youth stereotypes in this film:

  • Use of Drugs
  • Clothing
  • Hairstyle
  • Focus on sexual activity
  • Music
Theories this case study relates to:

David Gauntlett- "Identities are not given but are constructed and negotiated."
Shown by how the film creates a collective identity in the film.

Dick Hebdige- "Youth sub-cultures are a way for youth people to express their opposition to society, and to challenge hegemony. This is primarily expressed through style."
Seen throughout by the Mod behavior that is an opposition to the adults, such as when Jimmy is looked down to by his middle-class colleagues in a bathroom scene, of which he is throwing up from drinking the previous night.

Stanley Cohen- Folk Devils, Moral Panic and Societal Deviance
All seen during the Brighton Riots during the film.

Gerbner- Cultivation theory
This is seen when Jimmy's mother sees a newspaper and over exaggerates because of what she reads, resulting in her kicking him out of the house.

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